Early Signs Of A Heart Attack In Women

How do you image someone having a heart attack? Clutching their chest and falling to the floor? Well, part of this may be accurate, but it is not necessarily capturing all signs and symptoms. Especially when it comes to women, detecting heart attacks can be hard to spot. A heart attack accounts for the highest death rates in women, which is why it is crucial to understand the warning signs before it is too late. Identifying the early signs and the potential causes can give you the opportunity to acquire a woman’s health check. Here are some of the heart attack symptoms common in women:

Chest Pain

Chest pains are the most prevailing sign of a heart attack in men and women. You may feel a sudden pressure of tightness in your chest along with pain. Some people may even describe the pain as someone standing on their chest. A burning sensation can also occur.

This symptom can last for a few minutes regardless of what you are doing at the time that you are experiencing it. However, it is important to remember that anyone can feel chest pain or tightness for a brief moment, and it does not always mean that you are experiencing a heart attack.


Another sign of a heart attack can be extreme, unprovoked fatigue. You may feel exhausted after just grocery shopping or any other normal activity that wouldn’t normally make you feel so fatigued. Small, sudden changes in your body that are affecting your daily routine could be signs that something isn’t right and you should always try to be in tune with your body to ensure these changes do not go unnoticed.

Unusual Weakness

Severe weakness such as fainting and dizziness in women can be signs of a heart attack. In addition, you could feel anxious and lightheaded whilst completing simple, daily tasks that may encourage you to have a seat or lie down. It is vital to know that if this happens (especially more than once), you should get this checked out immediately.

Body Aches and Pains

Experiencing pain in your upper body is normal, and can occur due to muscle tightness, exercise, stress and other common reasons. However, if you are feeling tight aches and discomfort that feels like its spreading beyond your chest, shoulders, arms, back or jaw, this is known as a clear warning sign of a heart attack. It is important to call 911 or seek any emergency medical help if you experience this.

Final Thoughts

Heart attack symptoms do vary between men and women due to gender differences. Heart attack warning signs can also be easily ignored and be labelled as ‘tiredness’ or ‘muscle pain’ but it is vital to understand and look out for clear signs that your body is suffering a heart attack. Seeking medical help as quick as possible can significantly decrease the damage to your heart and prolong your life.